Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
2021 4S Making and Doing Award, with Feminist Theory Theater
2020 Jean Fort Dissertation Prize, UC San Diego, awarded to “a Ph.D. recipient of unusual intellectual breadth whose doctoral research has met the highest standards of academic excellence and may make a significant contribution on an issue of humanitarian or public concern”
2019 David K. Jordan Endowed Fellowship
2018 Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship, Japanese Studies, UC San Diego
2018 International Institute Fellowship, UC San Diego
2017 Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship, Japanese Studies, UC San Diego
2016 “Animating Life” Summer Program Fellow, Kadokawa Foundation and the University of Tokyo
2016 Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship, Japanese Studies, UC San Diego
2016 David K. Jordan Endowed Fellowship
2015 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers Administered by the Social Science
Research Council (SSRC)
2015 Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
2015 F.G. Bailey Fellowship, UC San Diego Department of Anthropology
2014 Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE) translation grant for Around the Hearth of Modernity
2014 George Haydu Prize for the Anthropological Study of the Interaction of Culture, Behavior, and Human Values, Department of
Anthropology, UC San Diego
2013 Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship, Japanese Studies, UC San Diego
2012 Melford E. Spiro Fellowship, UC San Diego
2012 Joseph Naiman Graduate Fellowship, Japanese Studies, UC San Diego
2009-2010 University Unendowed Partial Fellowship, University of Chicago
2006-2007 Freeman Asia Scholarship, College of William and Mary
2004-2005 Association for International Education Japan (AIEJ, formerly JASSO)
2004-2005 Freeman Asia Scholarship, College of William and Mary